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Is this winter the right time to replace your heating system?

When the temperatures drop outside, you want to stay warm and cozy inside, but what if your heating system isn’t up to the challenge? In this article, we'll review the signs that it's time to replace your heating system, from age and energy-efficiency issues to the unit no longer providing good heating to your home.For a free in-home estimate here in Albuquerque, contact Wagner! We install new furnaces, heat pumps, and ductless systems.

How old is it?

It’s easy to lose track of how old your heating system is until it starts to show signs of age. Like most of the parts of a home, you may not be aware of how much your heating system struggles to work.Any unit that is over ten years old may need to be replaced with a more energy-efficient system to work better and smarter to warm your home. Wagner can help you determine how old your system is and if makes more sense than repairs.

Did you hear that?

When first installed, you may not be aware that your heating system is running. It should be relatively quiet. When your furnace is on its last legs, however, you'll probably hear it. Any banging, humming, rattling, groaning, or buzzing is an unavoidable signal that something is wrong with your current heating system.You may not notice those typical loud noises; instead, you may just hear it starting and stopping more often than it used to. That frequent on-and-off sound is telling you that your system is working too hard to do its job.

What about your bills?

If you don’t know any other obvious signs that your heating system isn’t working properly, you can definitely tell by the size of your power bills. Older furnaces use more energy than newer ones to heat your home. That's both because they don't work as efficiently as they used to, and because the heating systems designed by manufacturers today are more energy-efficient than ever.Take a look at your utility bill and compare last winter to this winter. If you've noticed a significant jump in costs without a corresponding explanation (such as increased utility rates, increased usage, or significantly colder weather), your furnace could be to blame.

Make the call to Wagner for a free in-home estimate on a new system

You don’t need to be an expert on heating systems—that’s why we are here! Wagner can evaluate your furnace (or heat pump!) and let you know if it's time to replace your heating system. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.