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What are the signs you should replace your old swamp cooler?

Swamp coolers—also known as "evaporative coolers"—are great options for homeowners here in Albuquerque. They emit cool air in a much more efficient way than the typical air conditioner. However, there comes a time when you made need a swamp cooler replacement. In this blog, we're going to run through the signs you should replace your swamp cooler. For evaporative cooler services here in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, call the pros at Wagner. We handle a wide variety of plumbing services.

Signs you should replace your swamp cooler:

#1. The unit has significant corrosion

Because swamp coolers use water to operate, they'll eventually start to develop water damage. Much like your water heater, the combination of metal and water can only last for so long before it starts to rust. Minerals in the unit’s water can lead to scaling over time, and rust to spread like a virus through the interior of the system.This will eventually impact the energy-efficiency of the system, making it that much more expensive to operate. This will continue until it just doesn't run anymore.

#2. The unit has not been regularly maintained

If you haven’t given your swamp cooler the attention it demands, it’s possible that the unit can no longer function. Wagner can help you stay up-to-date with your swamp cooler’s maintenance schedule, including seasonal start-ups and shutdowns.

#3. The system is getting up there in age

This fits with the first point, too: eventually, your swamp cooler just isn't going to run as well as it did on the first day it was installed. If you're relying on your system to make your home habitable in the summer, it might not be worth it—financially or comfort-wise—to tough it out for another year with a failing unit.Regular maintenance can guarantee that you go years before needing an evaporative cooler replacement. However, if it’s been a long time and it is not functioning at top efficiency, you may need to consider replacing it.

#4. The airflow is either non-existent or not cool enough

Cool airflow is the primary purpose of a swamp cooler, so if your unit’s not delivering, you’ll want to have it inspected. If the issues run too deep and new parts can’t fix the problem, a new unit may be the solution.

#5. Water is leaking from the unit

When the cooler is leaking water, it’s often a sign that the unit has not been properly maintained during the winter months. If the problem goes too long without being tended to, it can create some irreversible problems.

Take care of your swamp cooler, and it’ll take care of you

Ultimately, your swamp cooler will last a long time if you take proper care of it. It’s important to have your unit as fall approaches and started back up just in time for summer. Wagner can help you with this, so your unit is good to go all year long.If you notice any of these signs you need to replace your swamp cooler, let the Wagner team of experts assist you with your cooler replacement and continued maintenance. Contact us today to learn how we can help.